Analysis of the Impacts of Compensation on Job Satisfaction amongst Teachers: A Case Study of Lakes State Ministry of Education, South Sudan

is a systematic approach to providing value to employees in exchange for work performed.
Compensation may achieve several purposes assisting in recruitment, job performance,
and job satisfaction. Wage and salary administration is concerned with designing
and implementing total compensation package.
purpose of this research was to ascertain the impacts of compensation on the job
satisfaction of teachers in Lakes State. The problem of the study revolved around
teachers’ dissatisfaction with their compensation before and in the aftermath of
the South Sudanese civil war which started in December 2013, whereby the economic
situation deteriorated badly, this further exacerbated the already dire situation
of civil servants of various government ministries both at national and at sub-national
levels. The economic downturn affected people’s livelihood as cost of goods which
are basically imported from the neighboring East African Countries of Kenya and
Uganda soured. As prices continue to increase daily, staff salaries remained fixed.
The research question was: what are the impacts of all forms of compensation on
job satisfaction of teachers in Lakes State?
research was carried out in four schools within Rumbek Township and 42 teachers
were reached out of the targeted population of 47 teachers. Purposive sampling was
used to identify respondents and pretested questionnaires were shared with them.
The resultant data was tabulated and analyzed.
findings showed lack of appropriate compensation which is embodied in the three
predictor indicators (remuneration, supportive organization factors, demographic
factors) and has caused unprecedented level of dissatisfaction among teachers. The
predictor variables work in tandem to achieve a better job satisfaction for teachers
or otherwise.
Keywords: Compensation,
Remuneration, job satisfaction, employee turnover, and employee wellness.
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