An Overview of the Relationship between Total Quality Management and Employee Performance in a Selected Nigerian Company

The ever increasing demand of customers and
the challenges of globalization put a lot of pressure on companies worldwide to
adopt proven frameworks for organizational excellence. As a result, Nigerian companies
today are implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) System. The objective of this
study is to establish a relationship between total quality management and organizational
performance using a manufacturing company in Nigeria. Twenty five (25) carefully
framed questionnaires were sent out to the study population and 13 were returned
in usable form. The Chi Square method of statistics was used to test the four formulated
hypothesis. The findings showed a significant relationship between total quality
management and organizational performance, between TQM and defect prevention and
perception errors, between the success of TQM and perception of organizational members,
between TQM and effective management of resistance to .change. This study recommends
that organizational management provide enabling environment to implement TQM systems.
The study concludes that a major strategy for achieving high quality is TQM with
a good management system for continuous improvements that rely heavily on employee
Keywords: Defect Prevention, Globalization, Organizational
Challenges, Organizational Performance and Total Quality Management.
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