Employee Discipline Enhances Employee Engagement: An Affective Shift Model Perspective - A Literature Review

The purpose of this document is to propose that employee discipline be considered
as a factor in employee engagement.
This conceptual review
focuses on the research evidence showing the mediating role of employee discipline
in enhancing employee engagement. The affective shift model helps us understand
the relationship between employee discipline and employee engagement.
Findings: The author
proposed that based on the affective shift model, employee discipline be considered
as employee engagement and employee disengagement.
Recommendations: It is suggested that Human Resource Department
should develop and put in place an engagement Plan targeting such employees to help
them to quickly adjust and become productive and active, take part in decision making
as they become committed in the realization of the organizational strategic objectives. Further, the author recommend that a detailed
comparative study targeting both private and public organizations be conducted to
assess the effect of discipline in enhancing employee engagement and also that an
exploratory study be conducted to determine the effect of progressive discipline
on employee engagement in organization.
Originality/Value: The author suggests that Human Resource Department
should develop an engagement plan targeting disciplined employees with the view
of helping them to quickly become productive and active, take part in decision making
and become committed in the realization of the organizational strategic objectives.
Keywords: Employees,
Discipline, Disengagement, Engagement, Commitment, Involvement.
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