The Impact of Emotional Intelligence Training on the Quality of Work life amongst Employees

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.04.01.Art005

Authors : Sandhya Vijayakumar


The main research problem in this study was to identify the impact of emotional intelligence training on the quality of work life amongst employees. The main research problem gave rise to three sub problems which were addressed through the following actions:

A literature study was conducted to explore what the existing literature revealed about emotional intelligence, quality of work of work life and the relationship between the two constructs. Special attention was given to emotional intelligence training and its impact on the quality of work life amongst employees.

A two day structured emotional intelligence training program was delivered to a group of thirty employees. Additionally, pre and post the training intervention, an emotional intelligence psychometric assessment (The SEI assessment by the Six Seconds Network) was administered and the results were compared. Further to this, structured interviews were conducted with fifteen members from the sample group to obtain their views on the benefits of the emotional intelligence training and its impact on their quality of work life.

The results from the literature review and empirical study revealed the emotional intelligence training was extremely beneficial to employees, specifically with regard to improving their emotional intelligence competencies, which led to a better, happier work life.

As a result of the above, the researcher concluded that every organization in today’s contemporary environment should aim to incorporate programs that build emotional intelligence amongst employees which can lead to better relationships in the workplace and a more productive, stress free work life.

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Quality of work life, Competencies, Psychometric assessment, Impact of training.


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