Ensuring Effective and Efficient Humanitarian Logistical Services Delivery: The role of Disaster Relief Organisations in Ghana

Sudden natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and tsunamis
usually generate destruction on impact, injuring people, rendering many homeless and imposing huge cost
to governments by destroying public infrastructure. Considering the adverse effects
on properties, human life and the economy at large, it is important to pay particular
attention to humanitarian logistics as a vital medium for responding to present
disasters and preparing for future ones. This study examined the factors and mechanisms
for humanitarian logistical services delivery in Ghana. The case study focused on
humanitarian and relief organizations operating in Ghana. Questionnaires and in-depth
interviews were used to gather data from officials of ten disaster relief organizations.
Findings from the study revealed important factors for effective
and efficient disaster relief operations. Despite financial and logistical challenges,
humanitarian organizations have put in place mechanisms for dealing with emergencies.
Disaster relief organizations operating in Ghana should adopt innovative and responsive
mechanisms in humanitarian relief operation so as to achieve
Humanitarian Logistics, Natural Disaster, Relief Organisations. Innovative and Responsive
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