Humanitarian Logistics - An Exposition of the Challenges to Rapid Response in Disaster Relief Operations in Ghana

Response, coordination and collaboration of among
humanitarian organisations became more challenging in the use of local
logistics and human resources in humanitarian relief operations. This proposal
provides a plan for examining humanitarian logistics with specific emphasis on
the challenges to rapid response in disaster relief operations in Ghana. The
proposal identified the research problem and out of the research problem, it developed
research objectives and research questions. The research framework is also
outlined to provide a structural outlook of the thesis. The framework for the
literature review was presented and this dwelt on four main parts namely
theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual review and deduction from the
literature. The method to be employed and the procedure and tools for data
collection were also provided and this also include the method of data
analysis. The time frame, resources required and budget for the conduct of the
research were presented in this proposal. The expected output of the thesis was
stated and the societal and scientific relevance of the study were also given.
The ethical issues associated with the conduct of this study were stated and
the procedure for observing and addressing the ethical considerations were also
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