IT Project Governance in Project Delivery: Key Processes, Activities, Roles and Responsibilities

The general objective of this
work was to contribute to the general body of knowledge and research work in the
area of managing IT projects successfully. The office of Government commerce of
the UK Government in conjunction with the National Audit came out with a guideline
in 2007 which list out eight causes of project failures. Six out of the eight causes
were attributed to governance issues (Aon, 2011). This shows clearly that governance
activities in project management are really important, and failure to place premium
on them can result in failure of projects. The research work was therefore intended
to come out with IT governance frameworks that can help resolve the problem
of failure of IT projects resulting from governance issues. Four IT program managers and eight IT project managers were talked
to on a variety of IT project governance issues. The frameworks were developed based
on a combination of literature, experts (IT project and program managers of the
telecom industry in Ghana) input, observation, and so on. The governance
frameworks depicts project management processes, project activities, project governance
activities, roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders, key milestones, approval
bodies, signatures, and so on, to ensure successful delivery of IT projects.
Keywords: Governance,
Project, Information, Technology, Framework, Process.
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