Raising Financial Reporting Standard and the Financial Stability for Banks: A Case of Commercial Banks in Sierra Leone

This article looks at two broad-spectrum
of financial management discipline; the first one examines the financial
stability of commercial banks by analysing their published financial statement
to test their stability in the market place before the Ebola scourge. This
paper focus on the Sierra Leone Company’s Act 2009 and relevant Sections of the
Banking Acts of Sierra Leone to analysis its alignment with the reporting
standards of its financial statement produced by various firms in compliance
with the IFRS standards. This report tests the financial stability of seven
commercial banks in Sierra Leone with the major financial ratios used,
especially the z-score analysis that check the financial stress of a firm.
Keywords: Profitability, Liquidity, Stress test,
Financial Performance, Return on Capital Employed, Z-Scores, and financial
statement analysis.
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