Relationship between Corporate Governance and Financial Performance in Multi-Purpose Co-Operative Societies, Lagos, Nigeria

In the light of corporate financial scandals,
there is an ever increasing attention on corporate governance issues. As the
investors look for emerging economies to diversify their investment portfolios
to maximize returns, they are equally concerned about governance factors to minimize risks in these economies. The Government
of Nigeria and other stakeholders have therefore directed their effort in
enhancing Corporate Governance in various organizations. This became the
motivation of this study, which is focused on examining the relationship
between Corporate Governance and Financial Performance of multipurpose
Cooperative Societies in Lagos State Nigeria. A cross sectional research design
was used for the research study, with the aid of secondary data. The purposive
sampling techniques were adopted for the study. Two (2) multipurpose
Cooperative Societies were selected based on the availability of their
financial statements. The data obtained were analyzed using the STATA software.
From the analyses, it was established that, Corporate Governance has no
significant effect on the financial performance of these multipurpose
Cooperative Societies. However, it impacted positively on diligence of
procedures, records kept and conduct of daily business. The researcher however
opined that the radical improvement noticed in the level of governance and
financial ethics introduced by the various regulatory authorities should be
maintained at all levels of stewardship in organizations.
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