Evaluating 4 Years’ Cost of Managing Human Immunodeficiency Virus Pandemics using Enterprise Resource Planning for Supply Chain Management in Nigeria

For over three decades the Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV) that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) held humanity
in captivity. Before 1990, HIV was a fairy tale in Nigeria. However, by 2000, HIV
had become a public health concern with efforts to reduce the burden on people living
with the virus. It started with a prevalent rate of 1.8% in 1991, peaked at 5.8%
in 2001 before the decline. The cost of providing screening rapid test kits over
four years was examined to explore the areas where enterprise resource planning
(ERP) could be used to scale down the cost of HIV commodities management in Nigeria.
Procurement, warehousing, distribution, and collection of logistics management information
system data were examined. Management of HIV RTKs with and without ERP was compared.
The result showed that without ERP, there was an increased cost of labor, recording
errors, and poor data for decision-making. With ERP, it was different. Study was
done for RTKs, there is room to do for other HIV commodities. Though initial cost
of deploying ERP was high, on the long-run has cost benefit.
Keywords: Enterprise
Resource Planning; Logistics Management Information System; HIV Commodities; HIV
Rapid Test Kits Algorithm; Supply Chain Performance Measures; Impact of HIV Pandemic.
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