Synergies from Mergers and Acquisitions: A Study of Ecobank Ghana Limited and the Trust Bank

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.03.02.Art014

Authors : Daniel Kwabla King


The Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) the national Pension Scheme managers in Ghana with significant stake in the Ghanaian banking industry, in the year 2011 made a strategic move to drive bank consolidation in Ghana through the swapping of its shares in The Trust Bank (TTB) for ETI’s shares in Ecobank Ghana Limited (EBG). This study was set examine whether synergies were derived from the merger. It also examined whether the objectives set by SSNIT were met and finally determine whether the bank has remained competitive after the merger. The approach used for the study was quantitative technique and case study which concluded that the merger of Ecobank Ghana Limited and TTB achieved the intended results for SSNIT.

Keywords: Synergies, Merger, Acquisition, Ecobank Ghana Limited, the Trust Bank, SSNIT, Ghana.


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