Value for Money in Provision of Services in the Public Sector of Uganda

for money has increasingly become a contentious and very prominent subject in the
development agenda both within developed and developing Economies. Donor groups
and community consider value for money when allocating budgets and other resources
to developing countries. The study examined value for money in the provision of
services in the public sector of Uganda. The general objective of the study was
to evaluate value for money in the provision of services. The study was guided by
three specific objectives which were; to examine effectiveness in the provision
of services in the public sector of Uganda; to assess efficiency in the provision
of services in the public sector of Uganda and to evaluate economy in the provision
of services in the public sector of Uganda. Self-administered questionnaires were
used to collect primary data from the respondents while secondary data were collected
through literature reviews and analyzed using descriptive statistics.
study findings show that economy as one of the pillars of value for money was the
least consideration and therefore, not practiced in the public sector of Uganda.
Meanwhile, efficiency was the most practiced element of value for money and followed
very closely with effectiveness.
conclusion is that there is no value for money from the provision of service in
the public sector of Uganda. The study recommends that MDAs and Local governments
should operationalize the concept of value for money and make it well understood
across the three spheres of government; review alternatives including considering
making inter-ministerial and departmental use of skilled resources which are in
short supply to delivery on required projects; and above all, ensure that the anticipated
benefits from the services outweighs the costs of acquiring the services.
Value for Money, Economy, Efficiency,
Effectiveness, Procurement of services, Public Sector, Uganda.
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