Politicization of Education: A Bane to Ghana’s Educational System and a Threat to Sustainable Development

The article underlines the threats to
sustainable development because of the politicization of the educational system
of Ghana. This paper also highlights the point that there is a correlation between
national development and a nation’s achievement in education. This is actually one
of the explanations why most advanced nations put in so much resource in the education
of its citizenry. Definitely with a high probable expectation of developing its
infrastructural and human capital for national growth. This is so because of the
fact that the education of the people in a nation is a sure bet of the rate of that
nation’s growth in both economically and sustainable development and the catalyst
that brings about the needed revitalization of the people that makes up the nation.
It also the force that forms a wall for a nation’s defense. This therefore supports
the perception that a nation’s growth is always equal to the level of its intellects.
In light of the above, there is the need for successive governments to always accord
education the necessary support in terms of policy formulation and implementation,
continuity of policy and proper management of government allocated fund to make
the educational sector not only vibrant but also beneficial. Politicization of the
Ghanaian educational system has been and continues to be a bane to education in
Ghana as well as a threat to the sustainable development of the country and there
is the urgent need to combat this menace before it gets out of hand. To avert this,
useful recommendations are made.
Politicization of Education, Sustainable Development, Ghana.
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