Significance of Market Segmentation to Strategic Marketing in Nigeria and its Impact on Global Education, Research and Technology for Sustainable Development

The growth, profit and
survival of any firm irrespective of its policies relies positively on how well
the consumers wants and needs are satisfied by the firm’s products or services
and this can inversely be improved by global education, research and technology
for sustainable development. It is through marketing that a firm can identify
and offer products that will satisfy the wants and needs of customers or consumers
and also cause sustainable growth and development.
By tailoring marketing
programs to individual marketing segments, management can do a better marketing
job and make more efficient use of marketing resources. This study then seeks
to look at the application of market segmentation and its significance to strategic
marketing in Nigeria and how it can improve global education, research and
technology for sustainable development by using a case study of Kaduna Flour
Mill. Detailed and current background information about Kaduna Flour Mill and
their products was obtained while personal interviews were conducted at
different locations in the metropolis to ascertain the extent to which the company
applies market segmentation in marketing their numerous products. However, the
findings of this research study are analyzed and discussed in chapter four
while conclusion and recommendation were drawn and made in chapter five.
The micro environment
includes, naturally, actors like customers, suppliers and intermediaries,
competitors, as well as investors and financial institutions, and in addition
also the media, communities, the government, different interest groups and the
public. Customers, regardless whether they are individual consumers, other
businesses, retailers or public service providers, can probably be regarded as
the most important factor when considering the strategic approach to
sustainable development.
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