Embracing Technology Advancement in Banks for the Marketing Orientation Efforts in Malawi

“What helps people
helps business.” Leo Burnett.
paper investigates the implementation of the marketing concept thereby allowing
entrenchment of marketing orientation in the service industry in Malawi. Of the
service industry, banking was the focus in this study to see how marketing orientation
and technology have enabled the implementation of the marketing concept. If businesses
including banks are to be marketing oriented, they must implement fully the marketing
concept. In doing so, they must have the marketers at the top table. This article
aims to review the use and embracement of technology in banks to enhance its marketing
orientation. The investigation was done through qualitative methodology where top-marketing
executives in the banks participated in the study in depth interviews. Top marketing
executives were interviewed using a discussion questionnaire to understand the organizations
structure, technology in use and the level of involvement in decision-making. Data
analysis made use of thematic grouping to gain the direction, behavior and practice
in the banking industry to determine the level of marketing professionals’ engagement
in decision-making and technological use in the same efforts that relate to marketing
orientation and implementation of the marketing concept.
the banking industry does not have a fully-fledged and well-resourced marketing
department that would effectively implement the marketing concept thereby being
fully marketing oriented. Lack of resources both financial and human capital for
marketing department is apparent in the banking sector.
Keywords: marketing orientation, marketing concept, banking technology, banking services.
Ajay K. Kohli,
Bernard J. Jaworski, Ajith Kumar Source: Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 30,
No. 4 (Nov., 1993), pp. 467-477 Published by: American Marketing Association Stable
URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3172691
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