The Impact of Terrorism on Nigerian Business Environment (Case Study of Emab Business Plaza Wuse II Abuja)

has impacted levels of society across the world community, one of those levels
is the business environment. Terrorism aim is nothing but to create a permanent
state of terror, hatred and mistrust generalized in the population. Terrorism
will directly impact a country’s ability to attract and maintain business
development and investment. One of the key aspects of terrorism is the
psychological impact on a populace. The uncertainty of the attack brings human
fear. This paper examines the impact of terrorism on business environment in
Nigeria with a case study of the Emab Business Plaza Wuse II Abuja. The study
used questionnaire and oral interview as research instrument. Data were
obtained, presented and analysed with simple percentages and frequency
distribution tables. The questionnaire was administered to Business Owners,
Customers, Employees and Government regulators. The study concludes that there
is a significant impact of Terrorism on business environment. It is recommended
that the Business Environment should be able to cope with terrorism by Putting
up a secured and structured security network, to prepare for quick intervention
after an attack, to have decentralized decision making system, to plan for the
rapid reconstruction of the physical capital, to have a strategy for rapid
reconstruction of human capital.
Terrorism, Business, Business Environment and Business Development.
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