Review on How Technology Has Impacted the Global Business Environment

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.02.01.Art002

Authors : Natasha Adatia


This research looks at the work of Oneil Williams, the editor of Opposing Views. The purpose of this article is to understand the concept of the global business environment in relation to the recent advances in technology. As we all know, technology has been one of the major components for organizations operating globally, therefore it is through this article that I was able to highlight the importance of keeping up to date with your technology in order to thrive in the global market. Apart from the theoretical knowledge produced, the article review further analyses the article “How has technology impacted the global business environment?” in terms of its structure, accuracy stability and validity. One of the other objectives of this article review is to guide individuals on how to systematically review an article.

Source: Oneil Williams. (13th July 2015). How Has Technology Impacted the Global Business Environment? Available: Last accessed 08th January 2016.


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