Review on The Global Environment of Business: New Paradigms for International Management

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.02.01.Art001

Authors : Natasha Adatia


This research looks at the work of David W. Conklin, the editor of Ivey Business Journal. The purpose of this article was to therefore understand the concept of the global business environment. Through showing the continuous changes in the global business environment, the article review highlights the importance of international management in order to survive and grow in the international market. The article has further managed to critically review the article by David W. Conklin in terms of its structure, accuracy stability and validity. The goal is to provide knowledge to the public on the global business environment whilst teaching individuals on how to analytically review an article.


David W. Conklin. (July/August 2011). The Global Environment of Business: New Paradigms for International Management (Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks California, 2011). Available: Last accessed 05 December 2015.


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