Civil Service Reforms and National Development in Nigeria

Civil service is an
executive arm of government that implements the programmes and policies of
government efficiently and effectively to enhance national development. Civil servants are
crops of technocrat at federal, state and local level who assist government of
the day with their wealth of knowledge and experience to carry out their legitimate
business. Nigerian civil service has been in dilemma of partisan politics,
red-tapism, leakages, wastage, non professionalism, unproductive, redundancy
and over-bloated ghost workers from one administration to another since independence
of 1960. Civil service revolves around people to achieve result, this prompted why
successive regimes have bent on reforming to improve the machinery of government;
yet the effort remain obsolescence, no enthusiasm to execute government
policies. The paper examines various reforms in Nigeria civil service and finalize
that nothing has been done for better service delivery. The lacuna experienced
in Nigerian civil service is not far from the structure of Nigerian state
coupled with socio-cultural factors on the aegis of federal character principle
and quota system all this floored national development. To ameliorate this
persistent deterioration of bureaucratic bottleneck, inefficiency and unaccountability,
this demands meritocracy in the altar of mediocrity during appointment to enhance
national development. The bureaucratic theory of Max Webber should be in place
in the context of civil service reform in Nigeria to achieve result. The paper
concludes that civil service reform in Nigeria will build human capacity to
improve institutional structures and achieve the goal of national development.
Keywords: Civil
Service, Reforms, Commission, panels, Red-tapism, service delivery
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