The Link between QMS Certifications and Customer Satisfaction in the Guyanese Market

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.11.01.Art026

Authors : George De Freitas


The Quality Management System (QMS) certification like ISO 9001 stands as a recognized strategic asset for enhancing business performance alongside operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. The research examines how QMS certification affects customer satisfaction in Guyana by comparing performance between 50 certified companies and 50 non-certified companies. The study used a quantitative approach that involved stratified random sampling to obtain representation from various industries. The study assessed customer satisfaction with a 5-point Likert scale and applied descriptive statistics and independent t-tests to analyze differences between certified and non-certified businesses. Businesses with QMS certification demonstrate significantly better customer satisfaction ratings compared to businesses that lack this certification. The statistical analysis showed that certified businesses achieved higher mean satisfaction ratings (3.98) than non-certified businesses (3.20) with a significant t-test result (t = 4.96, p = 0.00000314). QMS certification appears to enhance service quality while creating stronger brand reputation and better customer feedback systems that ultimately build customer loyalty and trust. Non-certified businesses showed more variation in their satisfaction scores because of inconsistent service quality, weaker complaint resolution systems and lower competitive positioning. aThe research supports prior knowledge about QMS certification advantages by showing that structured quality management systems deliver products and services with higher consistency. The results provide actionable insights for Guyanese companies and government officials because QMS certification adoption improves service quality and customer satisfaction. Longitudinal studies need to investigate how QMS certification influences customer loyalty while identifying QMS implementation difficulties across various sectors.


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