The Existing Change Management Strategies Implemented by Commercial Banks in Jamaica, Focusing on Understanding Their Processes, Methodologies, and Overall Effectiveness

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.11.01.Art023

Authors : Tedroy Clarke


This paper examines and evaluates the existing change management strategies implemented by commercial banks in Jamaica, focusing on understanding their processes, methodologies, and overall effectiveness. Change management strategies outline the planned methods and procedures used by Jamaica's commercial banks to support and manage organizational change, which are referred to as change management strategies in this research. It focussed on three commercial banks: Bank A, B and C. It employed a qualitative research design, and instruments for data collection included semi-structured interviews and observations with senior managers and employees from the three aforementioned commercial banks. Qualitative data analysis was conducted using NVivo to identify key themes and patterns. The study identifies some strategies, including employee involvement programs, training and development initiatives, recognition and reward systems, and communication techniques. These findings can be the basis for future studies and help these organisations and policymakers make decisions relating to effective change management strategies.


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