Tackling Uganda’s Medical Expenditures Abroad: Exploring the role of NHIS as a policy choice of financing Medical Tourism

Medical tourism is an integral part of the
tourism economy in Uganda. Whereas, in bound medical tourism is still far from
Uganda’s potential owing to the meagre investments in health sector more
government officials are now traveling abroad than ever before spending a lot
of taxpayers’ money for high quality care. Despite the increasing medical
referrals abroad there is a paucity of data in the medical tourism sector. The objective
of this study was to determine the role of a National Health Insurance Scheme
in reducing the costs of medical referrals abroad. An exploratory
cross-sectional mixed study was done from September 2023 to August 2024.
Stratified and snowball sampling was used to select 34 participants.
Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS version 16.0 and thematic analysis
was used for qualitative data. The findings indicated that the National Health
Insurance scheme is proposed as a possible option to provide affordable high-quality
care to all developing an excellent health system for prompt and quality
medical treatment when needed both for medical tourists and Ugandans. The
National Health insurance scheme is a policy choice most likely to provide
equal access to quality healthcare and reduce on high costs of medical referrals
abroad of the government officials. This paper recommends the development of a
medical tourism policy as a main driver of the industry.
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