Examining the Barriers to Adaptation of Quality Management Systems in Small to Medium Sized Businesses in Guyana and the Resultant Impact on Performance and Competitiveness

This research examined the adaptation of Quality Management Systems and
their impact on the performance and competitiveness of Small and medium-sized
businesses in Guyana. Small and Medium-sized enterprises are pivotal to the
continued development of Guyana's economy. Irrespective of their importance to
the economy, however, SMEs in Guyana face many challenges with adopting and
implementing Quality Management Systems such as ISO 9001, which are crucial for
advancing operational efficiency and market reach. Employing a quantitative,
descriptive correlational approach the study found several significant hurdles
to the adoption and implementation of Quality Management Systems, including,
financial constraints, lack of support, limited awareness of the value of
Quality Management Systems, and regulatory obstacles. It was found that these
hurdles significantly impact SMEs capacity to perform optimally, which by
extension affect their ability to be competitive in the various industries in
which they are positioned. Equally, another significant finding from this study
is the positive correlation between the implementation of Quality Management
Systems, and business outcomes such as operational efficiency, customer
service, and competitive performance. These outcomes provide the impetus for
actionable recommendations for effective facilitation of Quality Management
Systems adaptation in SMEs in Guyana.
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