Unpacking the Specific Leadership Practices Negatively Impacting Employees’ Motivation within Guyana’s Public Sector

This paper unpacks the specific leadership
practices that negatively impact the motivation of employees within Guyana’s
public sector. It is written based on the doctoral thesis “An Investigation of
Leadership Styles’ Influence on Employees in Guyana’s Public Sector – A Case
Study,” which is authored by Sven Douglas. The thesis was done utilizing a
mixed-methods approach; the study combined qualitative structured interviews
with public sector leaders and quantitative surveys administered to a broader
range of public servants. The analysis was done using statistical tools
available for social sciences. These were Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Microsoft Excel. The
findings revealed the majority of employees within Guyana’s public sector are
managed using effective management practices. However, many of these employees
are not benefiting from these effective practices. These areas that require
improvement are inclusion in the decision-making processes, timely and
constructive feedback and support, and commending efforts that provide positive
reinforcement. It was recommended that managers and supervisors expand their
management net to include all employees within their span of control to engage
in those areas where they are failing. Methods of capturing demotivated
employees were also recommended. These included regular staff meetings,
workshops and think tanks where subordinates can share their ideas and
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