Analysis of the Relationship between Change Management Strategies and Staff Motivation: Examining How Different Strategies Influence Employee Overall Performance

This paper
investigates the relationship between change management strategies and staff
motivation level, focusing on how various approaches impact staff more, job
satisfaction, and overall output. Change management strategies closely relate
to staff motivation. In other words, highly motivated employees in terms of job
satisfaction and more are less likely to resist change. The current study
adopted a qualitative research method including a single case study comparing
change management strategies in three commercial banks in Jamaica. Data was
collected using semi-structured interviews and observations sent to senior
managers and line employees at the selected commercial banks. NVivo software
was used to code and identify common themes and patterns. The findings
indicated that the banks shared similarities and differences regarding the
strategies adopted and their influence on staff motivation. For instance,
innovation, mentoring and training programs were common in all the banks.
However, it is important to note that the banks adopt different implementation
methods. Overall, the findings indicate a positive correlation between change
management strategies and staff motivation. It also recommended future studies
employing quantitative research designs to provide statistical evidence on
these correlations.
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