The Impact of Multinational Cooperations on Global Politics and Economics

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.11.01.Art007

Authors : Dexter Prince, N. S. Shanthi


The work explores MNCs' multifaceted roles in global politics and economics, including their impact on foreign policy, trade negotiations, and local business frameworks. While lobbying by MNCs did not have statistically significant effects, the importance of corporate diplomacy and soft power as critical factors in economic diplomacy and international decision-making is transparent. The research also examines MNCs' influence on domestic industries, discovering a positive, though insignificant, correlation, thus suggesting that MNC enterprises could benefit the regional economy in ways that are difficult to measure. The results indicate that additional studies should be done to unveil the depth of MNC implications and that longitudinal and cross-cultural studies should be conducted to understand their effects better. It will increase our knowledge of policy-making, corporate management, and business ethics as necessities for sustaining results.


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