The Impact of Multinational Cooperation on Global Business Politics

This paper examines the relationship between
multinational corporations and international politics. Specifically, it seeks
to determine how MNCs shape foreign policy through lobbying and corporate
diplomacy, how MNCs further their economic interests in complex political
environments, and how MNCs meet obligations to home countries while accepting
global roles. The research utilized a mixed-methods approach. The qualitative
research included a thematic analysis of company statements, policy documents,
literature, executive experts, and policymaker interviews. In contrast,
Quantitative data analysis tested the hypotheses on the relationships among MNC
attributes, policy outcomes, and economic performance. Further, Reading
reports, press releases, and selected case studies helped shed light on
cross-industry and cross-country variations in the nature of MNC activities and
the context-specific influences. From the analysis, the study found that MNCs
have great effects on the politics of a country through influence on its
foreign policy, lobbying, and corporate diplomacy. For instance, Regression
analysis showed a very significant correlation between the size and
industry of MNCs with political power. Additionally, the study found that
MNCs actively promote their economic interests by engaging in strategic
activities, partnerships, and lobbying. Further, Regression models and residual
diagnostics confirmed that the MNCs significantly affect the home country's
foreign policy and economic interests. The study findings are important to
policymakers, companies, and investors in understanding how MNCs influence
policy and business decisions. This paper emphasizes the role of corporate
social responsibility and ethical considerations in the operation of MNCs and
calls for public partnership in collaboration for sustainable development.
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