The Dominant Leadership Style Within Guyana’s Public Sector

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.11.01.Art004

Authors : Sven Douglas, N.S. Shanthi


This article explores the dominant leadership styles within Guyana's public sector, highlighting the interplay between the factors that shape leadership practices. The article is written based on the thesis “An Investigation of Leadership Styles’ Influence on Employees in Guyana’s Public Sector – A Case Study,” authored by Sven Douglas, one of the co-authors of this article. The thesis was done utilizing a mixed-methods approach; the study combined qualitative structured interviews with public sector leaders and quantitative surveys administered to a broader range of public servants. The analysis was done using statistical tools available for social sciences. These were Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Microsoft Excel. The findings reveal that the predominant leadership styles lean towards transformational and participative/democratic approaches, fostering collaboration and community engagement. However, some challenges can inhibit the effective implementation of these styles across all employees. This was evident, as many employees stated they were less motivated than their colleagues. The article also discusses the practical implications of the research, such as the need for more inclusive leadership styles, and the future direction that would serve to bridge or eliminate these gaps. By contributing to the understanding of leadership in a Guyanese context, this research aims to inform future initiatives to strengthen governance and public service delivery in Guyana.


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