Challenges for the Adoption of Generative AI in Canadian Business Organizations: A Review

Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) has
significantly attracted the attention of global business organizations to
foster innovation and productivity. Several researchers in a Canadian business
context reveal that leaders prefer using Gen AI in business processes to
increase productivity and bring smart and quick work. However, it is claimed
that there the risks and challenges of Gen AI, such as ethical concerns and
content development errors in business organizations. However, such challenges
of the adoption of Gen AI have not yet been fully identified, and they are not
thoroughly studied, especially in the context of business organizations.
Moreover, there is a lack of a collection of strategies to deal with those
challenges. This study is conducted to identify the challenges for the adoption
of Gen AI in business organizations by looking at the case of Canada. This
critical examination of relevant literature discusses the implementation of Gen
AI in Canada's business sector and its deeper issues based on empirical
evidence. The findings reveal that there are various issues, such as ethics,
lack of readiness, limited training, and lack of finances, especially for small
firms. Moreover, the suggestions are identified to address the existing
challenges in business organizations. The study further found that Canadian
leaders and government require a comprehensive regulatory policy to address the
existing issues and improve the utilization of Gen AI to foster innovation
through human interventions and balanced strategies.
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