DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.11.01.Art002
Authors : Rajnish Harjika
Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the systems of organizations across the
world during the last two decades or so. Recently, Generative Artificial
Intelligence (GAI) has been discussed, debated, and studied in professional and
academic research arenas. Various advantages and positive sides of GAI have
been reported. However, empirically the perceptions and stance of organizations
on the adoption of GAI has not been fully explored. Moreover, there is evidence
that many organizations are hesitating to adopt GAI, but there are limited
studies on reporting the actual challenges of organizations, particularly the
challenges of business organizations while adopting GAI. Additionally,
empirically it is yet to bring evidence of why certain challenges exist and
what conditions are responsible for adopting challenges of GAI in business
organizations. Therefore, this study is filling these gaps by exploring the
challenges of business organizations while adopting GAI and investigating the
driving factors for these challenges by looking at the case of business
organizations in Canada. This research employs a case study method to study 20
Canadian Business organizations where GAI has potentially been used or the case
of GAI is being considered for its adoption. The study will provide empirical
evidence on the potential of GAI to enhance the competitive advantage of
business organizations and the challenges that must be addressed to leverage
the technology successfully. Moreover, the study will contribute to the
existing body of knowledge on the implications and the use of GAI for global
markets and the business world.
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