A Critical Examination of the Role Consumer Trust Plays in the Success of Online Retailers: A Guide for Retailers in Guyana

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.11.01.Art001

Authors : Saeed Khan, Saeed Khan


The aim of this study was to examine the role trust plays in the success of online retailers, the findings of which will be used as a guide to Guyanese online retailers. The importance of this study was enhanced by the fact that there is an increase in the number of online retail shopping centers being created in Guyana owing to the Covid-19 pandemic and the recent liberalization of the telecommunications sector in Guyana. This research was conducted by way of systematic review using secondary data from published journals and academic sources within the period 2009-2024. It was underpinned by interpretivism and an inductive approach was employed. It was found that online trust is influenced by factors including cybersecurity, perceived risk, perceived technology, buyer uncertainty, culture, and online reviews. Overall, it plays a significant role in the success of online retailers. This study revealed that customers may trust one of the above aspects but not necessarily all of them collectively. Therefore, online retailers in Guyana, to ensure success, must work towards earning consumers' trust in all categories outlined. To enhance trust, it was recommended that online retailers have adequate security mechanisms such as end-to-end data encryption, pay keen attention to customer feedback, have clear delivery and return policies and display clear and accurate product descriptions.


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