An Investigation into the Effects of Organizational Conflict in the Zambian Civil Service: A Case Study of the Ministry of Health Headquarters

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.10.02.Art013

Authors : Namwiinga Chilo Hamwanza, Michael Dynamite Benson Munkumba


The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of organizational conflict in the Zambian Civil Service (ZCS) using Ministry of Health Headquarters in Zambia as a case study. The paper analyzes the effects of conflict in order to address them and ensure that there is improved performance in the organization. The research will add to the existing knowledge in identifying the effects of conflict in organizations so that necessary measures are put in place to address them. The sample of one hundred was selected from officers in senior supervisor, supervisor and below supervisor positions using purposive and simple random sampling method. However, eight respondents could not proceed with the study as they indicated that they were not aware of conflict in the organization, hence only ninety-two participated in the study. Data analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study revealed that the most common effect of conflict in the organization was reduced work productivity. Other effects were reduced morale, low collaboration, increased stress, poor quality of work produced, excessive turn over, absenteeism and increased cost to the institution.


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