Capacity Planning in A Sweater Factory -Challenges and Strategies: Case of Starlight Sweaters Limited, Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Capacity planning is a critical but one of the most important aspects of
operations management in manufacturing facilities, particularly in labour-intensive
industries such as the Garments and Textile sector. Bangladeshi sweater
industry as a part of Garments and Textiles industry, playing a significant
role in the country's economy. Efficient capacity planning is essential to
ensure optimal utilization of resources, timeline for raw materials sourcing,
streamline production processes, and enhance competitiveness in every season
with optimum productivity with best quality. This research paper focuses on
capacity planning in a Bangladeshi sweater factory, analysing the challenges
faced by the industry and exploring strategies to optimize capacity
utilization. Through a combination of qualitative interviews, data analysis,
case studies, and literature review, this paper aims to provide insights into
the dynamics of capacity planning in the context of Bangladeshi sweater
manufacturing. Starlight Sweaters Limited, which is considered as one of the
top Sweater Manufacturing factories of Bangladesh, having more than 25 years’
experience with very high reputation and also having a decent business all over
the world, is considered as the case of this research work.
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