Perception and Practice of HR Managers Toward Talent Philosophies and its Effect on the Recruitment Process in Both Private and Public Sectors in Two Major Cities in Nigeria

The purpose of this study is to determine the
perception and practice of HR managers toward talent philosophies and its
effect on the recruitment process in both private and public sectors in Ibadan
and Abuja in Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive design in the form of a
survey. The study utilizes a questionnaire as the research instrument and tested
five hypotheses using the SPSS. The findings show there is no significant
relationship between perception and implementation of talent philosophy during the
staff recruitment process, but there is a significant positive relationship
between perception towards inherent talent during the recruitment process
between private and public sectors. Findings make it clear that HR managers in
both private and public establishments believe in talent management philosophy,
and they consider it an essential and a good approach that could facilitate
getting competent staff, but talent management philosophy is not largely
considered during the recruitment process. Although HR managers in private firms
seem to implement talent philosophy better than the public sectors,
recruitments in most government sectors are influenced mostly by referral and
quota systems. Also, most government-owned organizations have no clear HR
section in every department; therefore, their talent management philosophy is more
of an appendix to other management procedures and not a complete stand-alone
policy. Furthermore, HR managers in various cities in Nigeria have the same
positive perception toward a preference for inherent talent during the recruitment
process; however, in each city the number of inherent talented individuals
recruited by HR managers is low.
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