The Role of Technical Factors in the Development of Performance Management Frameworks in Intergovernmental Organizations

Performance measures are the
stricter indicators of performance that have endured the test of time. Both
conventional and modern-day management have maintained the centrality of
metrics that are represented in numbers, percentages, ranks and other
quantitative figures as the central indicators of performance, albeit the
inclusion of other non-metric indictors. In the process of developing the
performance measures, a threshold of technical factors has been found to be widely
required in the studies across the globe.
The purpose of this study was to examine whether the widely advanced
technical factors including personnel competences, analytical capabilities, and
technology, would be supported in a related study conducted in IGAD in the
African context. IGAD which formed the unit of analysis in this study, is a
project-oriented institution that employs performance measures as an important
performance management tool. The study followed a non-experimental research
design methodology and copies of questionnaires were distributed to 108
respondents online. A response rate of 93.5%
was realized. From the study, it emerged that, the said technical factors of
personnel competences, technological and analytical capabilities were statistically
positively related to the development of performance measures. As such, it is
concluded that, this study offers support to other scholarly works that have
found technical factors to be critical antecedents in the formulation of
performance measures.
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