The Role of Senior Management in Fostering Ethical Cultures in Guyana’s Public and Private Sectors: A Qualitative Analysis

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.10.02.Art004

Authors : Roystone F. M. Nelson


This paper revisits the significant empirical gaps in ethical decision-making within organizations highlighted by Linda Trevino in 1986, emphasizing their persistence in today's dynamic business environment, particularly within Guyana’s public and private sectors. Despite decades of progress, companies continue to grapple with the integration of ethical practices into their operational frameworks. This essay explores the pivotal role of senior management in cultivating ethical standards and delves into the strategies and challenges of embedding these practices sustainably within organizations. Through comprehensive analysis, it aims to bridge Trevino's identified gaps by examining the practical application of ethical leadership and its implications for corporate governance in Guyana. Key findings indicate that while most organizations have established codes of ethics, there remains a significant disconnect between policy articulation and actual practice. The research highlights the influence of senior management in shaping organizational culture and the critical challenges they face, including inconsistency in policy enforcement and a lack of robust mechanisms to support ethical behavior. This study proposes several recommendations for enhancing ethical practices, including strengthening leadership commitment to ethical standards, improving communication and training regarding ethics, and fostering an organizational culture that supports ethical decision-making


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