Artificial Intelligence and Customer Experience: Key Takeouts From Telecoms Sector in Zimbabwe

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.10.01.Art011

Authors : Sham Hokonya


The purpose of this study was to glean key learnings from the use of artificial intelligence on customer experience with emphasis on Zimbabwean telecoms companies. The study employed qualitative research design, using semi structured interviews with customers, staff, and management of the telecoms companies in Zimbabwe. To unearth the key themes and trends and insights between artificial intelligence and customer experience thematic analysis was applied.  The research evaluated the models employed by the Zimbabwean telecoms companies in transforming the customer experience landscape and hurdles they face in moving customers to the new channels. The challenges experienced in the new trajectory were explicitly highlighted. Case studies of other telecoms companies who explored the same avenue were chronicled. The various merits and skepticism of artificial intelligence on customer experience were clearly evacuated paving way for future research areas to completely harness the potential in the discipline of customer experience and its contribution to competitiveness.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Customer Experience, Machine Learning.


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