Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) Concepts and Models for Virtual Organization Management: A Literature Review

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.09.02.Art004

Authors : Grace Eleojo Abalaka


Virtual groups have been defined to be an assemblage of persons that are physically or administratively separated but work together concurrently and cooperatively on job procedures through correspondences as well as information technology for achieving definite objectives. Managing a virtual remote workgroup is difficult and requires additional competences when compared to traditional management. Many managers are not capable of remote working or trained for such work situations leading to challenges associated with fulfilment of responsibilities. There is a need for managers to acquire fresh skill set. Understanding the unique social aspects and computer mediated technicalities encompassing management of virtual workforces will enhance organisational productivity likewise create an efficient human resource management (HRM) structure that can enhance attainments. This article is an integrative review of literatures aimed at expanding human resources management scope. In-depth investigations of human resource management literatures, research and theories and their application as well as study of applicable models and theoretical frameworks which can be used to comprehend the peculiar nature of virtual organizations was extensively explored. Findings recognized crucial tasks likewise opportunities emanating from contemporary situations that warrant virtual, remote working and suggestions were proffered that managerial staff and human resource executives can utilize for imminent circumstances that might require innovative work techniques for enhanced organizational performance. Pragmatic indications credibly prove that implementing strategic human resource management (SHRM) processes and strategies in virtual organizations adds value to organisational performances with reference to improved efficiency, greater viability, and reduced staff turnover level.

Keywords: Strategic Human Resource Management, Virtual Organizations.


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