Customer Service Quality in The Banking Industry. A Case Study of Zanaco-Ndola

main purpose of the research was to find out the customer service quality in the
banking industry with respect to ZANACO PLC. The literature review on the subject
was mainly collected from journals, textbooks, publications of articles and other
relevant literature. The purpose was mainly to enhance the understanding of the
subject. The primary data was collected from
existing ZANACO west branch customers
and its Management; Data was collected through questionnaires, direct observations,
and personal interviews with the key informants on the subject matter. This research
sought to establish the customer service quality in the banking sector, a case of
ZANACO Ndola. The main objective of the study was to investigate the impact of customer
service quality in the banking sector and make recommendations based on the findings
of the study and to determine the importance of providing quality customer service to customers,
and at the same time, checking whether customer service is a tool for gaining competitive
advantage. Mainly a descriptive research design was used for the collection and analysis of data.
Finally, it was found that customers are generally
satisfied with the quality
of services offered by ZANACO.
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