A Proposal for Re-structuring of Nurses and Midwives’ Promotions and Ranks toward an Advance Professional Practice in Ghana

Staff promotion
is the advancement of an employees’ rank or position in an organizational hierarchical
system. A Study explains that promotion when and wherever
it happens, comes with two impressions: the monetary aspect and the change of position
from lower to higher in the organizational hierarchy. This study aims at presenting
a proposal for re-structuring
of Nurses and Midwives’ promotions and ranks toward an advance professional practice
in Ghana. A descriptive, phenomenological qualitative study was used. The study
established that ranking and promotions in nursing and midwifery should be based
on qualification and experience and not just number of years served in the health
sector. The respondents largely added that for nurses and midwives to be academically
active with apt skills in their respective fields, promotions should also be based
on some number of scholarly papers published in reputed journals. Accordingly, the
Nursing and Midwifery Council must ensure that nurses and midwives adhere to these
protocols towards ranking and remuneration. In conclusion, ranking is beneficial
for the advancement of the nursing and midwifery professions in Ghana.
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