Opportunities and Constraints within the Agribusiness Industry in the Emerging Market of Ghana
The purpose
of the study is to conduct an empirical investigation into the important role of
technology in a value-driven business process design for an emerging market. Emerging
markets are characterized by low GDP because of low economic activities. However,
it is full of business opportunities within its environments for prospective businesses
or existing small business which wants to scale up or globalize. Moreover, many
business constraints exist some are poor technological infrastructure, institutional
voids, bribery and corruption, bureaucracy, and poorly trained human capital. There
was a critical examination of extant studies by several scholars and researchers
related to the objective of the study. The main focus of the review is to establish
strong conceptual, theoretical, and empirical support for this study. These included
segments that dealt with the conceptual framework review of competitive advantage
and theoretical reviews of the Network Theory. Structured as the third segment is
the empirical review. This entails an in-depth review of extant studies related
to the three-pronged objectives, with the aim of either rejecting or accepting the
underlying framework in such studies. Thematic analysis was employed for analysing
the primary data collected via focus group discussion plus in-depth interviews.
An in-depth
examination of the responses of participants revealed that though the majority (19)
of the participants agreed that emerging market has several potential and benefits,
yet they indicated the existence of certain constraints mitigating increased investment
in agribusiness in Ghana, as demonstrated in the excerpt.
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