The Effect of Corporate Reputation on the Performance of Corporate Organizations in Developing Countries: Evidence from West Africa

This study is carried out to understand
the effect of corporate
reputation on the performance of corporate organizations in developing countries:
evidence from West Africa. The population for this study consists of selected listed
multinational companies in Nigeria and Ghana. The data was
collected using a structured questionnaire and was measured on an interval scale
through the research questionnaire. The statistical tool used to analyze the set
variables is multiple regression. It involves the collection, collation, analysis,
and interpretation of data for this study. It further incorporated ANOVA to show CSR Practices and their impact on the performance
of corporate organizations as explained by the independent
variables through the coefficient of determination R2. This design
is useful and most appropriate in measuring the degree of association between two
or more variables. It is also helpful in measuring the effect of independent variables
on a dependent variable. As predicted,
the study proves that corporate social responsibility practice can be integrated
into corporations’ business strategy for enhanced performance. Rather than just
being beneficial to society, corporate social responsibility can be the value-added opportunity for
corporations that engages in responsible actions. The research adds to the existing
literature on corporate social responsibility practices and their impact on corporate performance.
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