The Potential of Technology within the Agribusiness Industry in the Emerging Market of Ghana

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.08.01.Art004

Authors : Richard Asante


This article examines the potentials of an appropriate technology with which the Ghana Agribusiness industry can leverage to boost the living conditions of the industry dependent people, increase the sector’s contribution to GDP, and equip local firms with resources to stand the international competition and to offer multinational firms information required during their globalization endeavours. This will be strategic to maximise the opportunities and manage constraints. Moreover, many business constraints exist. Some are poor technological infrastructure, institutional voids, bribery, corruption, bureaucracy, and poorly trained human capital. There was a critical examination of extant studies by several scholars and researchers related to the study’s objective. The review’s primary focus is to establish strong conceptual, theoretical, and empirical support for this study. These included segments that dealt with the conceptual framework review of competitive advantage and theoretical reviews of the Network Theory. Structured as the third segment is the empirical review. This entails an in-depth review of extant studies related to the three-pronged objectives, with the aim of either rejecting or accepting the underlying framework in such studies. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the primary data collected via focus group discussion and in-depth interviews. In-depth examination of participants’ responses revealed that though the majority (18), 82% of the participants indicated the adoption of technology in the workplace, whiles a few suggested partial or near adoptions.


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