Customer Satisfaction in the Retail Sector of Botswana

This paper examined the level
of customer satisfaction within the retail sector of Botswana. In making this examination,
the paper utilised the large retail chain stores, specifically, Choppies, PnP, Shoprite,
and Spar, within Gaborone. This means that this paper undertook a survey concentrating
on 4 retail giants in Botswana from which a sample of 750 customers was sampled
using convenience sampling for participation in the study. The findings from this
study show that the level of customer satisfaction in Botswana was good (rating
score = 3.87/5). The significant contributors to customer satisfaction were
gender, product quality, product diversity, pricing, responsiveness, design and
appearance, and customer experience. The paper recommended that retailers focus
on strategic pricing for enhanced customer satisfaction in the sector, adopt
quality and diversity-centric policies, and adopt robust customer knowledge management
and customer experience management.
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