Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Competitive Advantage: A Case of Newmont Ghana Limited

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.07.02.Art019

Authors : William Ohene-Adjei, Pamela Amankwah


Corporate Social Responsibility has taken part in the operations of businesses, but there is a need for research on why CSR is and how advantageous it is for a firm in a competitive market. The paper investigated the use of CSR as a stronghold for firms in a competitive environment using Newmont Ghana Limited as a case study. The study further seeks to identify the impact of Newmont Ghana’s CSR activities and its impact on both the firm’s output and reputational image. These objectives are explored through the evaluation of the effect of Newmont Ghana’s CSR activities. Using a purposive and convenient sampling method, 120 questionnaires, both open and close-ended questions, were distributed to the employees of Newmont Ghana across all levels. The questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The outcome showed that corporate social responsibility gives Newmont Ghana an advantage in positioning and diminishing of competitive attack in the market. Also, the results showed that Newmont Ghana’s CSR activities have a positive impact on its reputation at both the local and national level. Also, CSR activities had a positive impact on its output as it draws in more investors and makes them perform better. The study recommended that firms should integrate CSR into their basic operations and to educate their employees on the firm’s social responsibilities, the general public should be educated on the different duties of all other actors, and the topic should be expanded to include all firms in the mining industry in Ghana and how they benefit from CSR.


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