Single Women Involved in Entrepreneurship Negatively Affected by Gender and Marital Status as Entrepreneurs

Issues to do with gender
imbalances and inequality of women in general and single women in particular in
the political arena and entrepreneurship are nowadays a burning issue in all the
countries worldwide. This is a major aspect of modern democratic governance such
that low levels of female participation in politics are a major concern worldwide.
The steps were taken by the United Nations Convention on stopping all forms of Discrimination
against Women (CEDAW) and other international organizations have laid the concrete
basis for the emergence of women’s participation in politics and entrepreneurship.
In Lusaka, Zambia, women’s political participation is not proportional to the 50%
of the country’s population which women represent, thereby not translating into
equal representation in political leadership positions. The study employed questionnaires
to collect data. The findings demonstrate that there exists a significant gender
gap in the political participation of women in all the wards in the Lusaka district
and that factors affecting their effective participation were social, economic,
political, cultural, and religious-based. The study, therefore, recommended the
change of perception of the people, equal representation in governance, support
from everyone, and also stopping of discriminatory practices to ensure the equal
and full participation of women.
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