A Review of The Unethical Business Practices That Causes Loan Default in Small Scale Enterprises in Port Loko Municipality in Sierra Leone

Small scale enterprises are an income
stream for the unemployed and under-employed in Sierra Leone. The financing of such
a venture is from the loan capital of Micro Finance Institutions and other credit
agencies in the country. Default in the repayment of loan capital within prescribed
conditions has been an issue because of the unethical practices of lenders and borrowers
and hence concern for studies. The primary objective of the study is to do a review
on the unethical business practices that causes loan default in small-scale enterprises
in Port Loko municipality in Sierra Leone. Such studies will avail recommendations
that shall be instruments to minimize the rate of unethical practices of borrowers
and lenders within the Pot Loko Municipality. The Specific objectives of the study
are to know the attitudes of Lenders and borrowers that influence loan default.
Questionnaires were administered to respond to Researched Questions which were framed
from the research objectives. Also, Reviews of others writers were done with regard
ethical issues. The researcher Used the Likert Scale in preparing and administering
the questionnaire. Opinions of Respondents were analyzed using the Structured Package
for Social Sciences. The following analyses were done: i) Percentage Analysis, ii)
Analysis of correlation by use of the Pearson Correlation. iii). Analysis of coefficient
iv) Analysis of Model summary v) Analysis of Anova. From the study, the Researcher
discovered that Unethical business practices like bribe-taking and other dishonest
games are predominant between lenders and borrowers, and these practices have
greatly influenced loan default in small-scale enterprises in Port |Loko Municipality
in Sierra Leone and have a significant relationship on loan default.
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