Critical Literature Review on Agriculture Co-Operatives in Developing Countries: A Poverty Mitigation Perspective
Over the decades, the perception of
cooperatives has revolved from that of considering them as food security agents
and determinants to that of social and economic agents to cooperators, community,
and national development. The study, therefore, critically reviewed the related
literature on agriculture cooperatives as poverty alleviating agents. An integrated
strategy in the research review approach was used to support the study. The findings
revealed recent developments in cooperatives that are putting agriculture cooperatives
on the map as agents of poverty eradication and social and economic development
in third-world countries. Currently, there is a societal expectation that cooperatives
have not only a responsibility to better the lives of the members but also the entire
community and nation as a whole. The study concluded that achieving future sustainable
social and economic development requires full recognition of all the key economic
players in the business ecosystem. The study, therefore, recommends full support
of the agriculture cooperatives if they are to play a positive and integral role
in mitigating the poverty levels in third-world countries.
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