Assessment of Technical and Supporting Staff Reward Systems during COVID-19 Pandemic in Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH), Plateau State, Nigeria

The aim of this study was to assess
the reward system for technical and supporting staff in Jos University Teaching
Hospital (JUTH) in Plateau State. The study was guided by two objectives and one
hypothesis. The study used a descriptive design approach, while a self-developed
structured questionnaire titled Covid-19 Pandemic and Reward System Questionnaire
(CARS-Q). The data were analyzed using simple percentages, mean rating standard
deviation, and independent t-statistics. The results revealed that covid-19 allowances,
access to palliatives, provision of personal protective equipment, payment of salaries,
provision of relevant information, and staff training were the types of reward systems
provided to technical and supporting staff of JUTH during the covid-19 Pandemic.
It was also fund that these rewards were not distributed to the staff equally. The
results indicated that the technical staff were better rewarded during the Pandemic
than the supporting staff. The study concluded that there were differences in the
reward system provided to technical and supporting staff of JUTH during the covid-19
Pandemic. The study recommended amongst others that the government and management
of JUTH should ensure that both technical and supporting staff are rewarded equally
during a pandemic so as to enhance their level of efficiency in service delivery,
government and management of the Hospitals should make provision for equality in
the payment of covid-19 allowances, insurance benefits and overtime allowances for
staff of JUTH during a pandemic and that the hospital should provide flexible working
opportunities for the staff for maximum performance.
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