The Interactive Impact Between Empowerment and Women Empowerment Programs in Selected Local Government Areas in Ekiti State

The Nigerian Society is purely Patriarchy
in Nature, and since this patriarchal nature is evident in traditionally social,
cultural, economic, and religious realms or settings, there is a need for Women's
Empowerment that directly influences these sectors. This Study assessed Women's Empowerment programs in Ekiti State, Nigeria.
A descriptive Survey design was adopted. Sample size of 500 respondents were selected
from 10 local government areas in the State. The Analysis was conducted using Statistical
package for social science (SPSS) version 23. The set null hypotheses were tested
at a 0.05 level of significance. The set null hypotheses for Psychological
Empowerment (B = 0.399, t = 22.853; P< 0.05), Social Empowerment (B = 0.318,
t = 15.160, P<0.05), Economic Empowerment (B = 0.305, t=`11.955 P<0.05) and
Political Empowerment (B=0.732, t= 21.221, P<0.05). The findings revealed that
Social, Economical, Political, and psychological empowerment has significant contributions
to Women's Empowerment programs in Ekiti State. The study recommended that Social
Empowerment, Economic Empowerment, Psychological Empowerment, and Political Empowerment
are key contributors to Women's Empowerment.
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